HC Deb 28 April 1913 vol 52 cc802-3

asked whether the Commissioners of National Education received any representations from the parents who sent their children to Coola-vokig national school in reference to the position of the late teacher, Mr. Patrick Galvin; is he aware that the manager, Father O'Donoghue, offered to reinstate Mr. Galvin in his position on certain terms; have these terms been communicated to the Commissioners, and, if so, what is their nature; can he state the number of children attending school at present and the number before the dispute in the district arose; and what is the amount by which the pension of Mr. Galvin will be reduced owing to his resignation having been sent in before his full term of service expired?


The Commissioners of National Education inform me that they received a memorial, purporting to be signed by six parents of pupils attending this school, and containing a statement that the manager was prepared to reinstate Mr. Galvin on certain terms, but subsequently withdrew this offer. In the circumstances the Commissioners did not think it necessary to verify this statement. The school was reopened on the 21st instant, on which day nine pupils attended; the average attendance during the quarter ended 30th September, 1912, was sixty-one. Mr. Galvin is now entitled to a pension of £34 per annum; the maximum pension which he could be granted is £46 per annum.


asked whether teaching has been resumed in the Coola-vokig national school under police escort; can he state the additions that have been made to the Macroom and Ballyvourney police stations to preserve the peace of the district; how many sergeants and constables are detailed daily for special duty in connection with the school dispute; whether Sergeant Brennan, of Ballyvourney, has gone around amongst the parents advising them to send their children to school; by whose orders has he engaged in the work of a school attendance officer and in what respect does it form part of his duties as a police officer; has District Inspector Sheehy, Macroom, engaged in any political remonstrances with a deputation from the locality who made certain representations to him; and, if no danger to the peace of the district was anticipated from the reopening of the school in charge of a new teacher, why has an extra police force been drafted in?


The police authorities inform me that the school referred to was reopened on 21st instant. The new teacher is under police protection, and the school has also to be protected by patrols since the windows were broken. As it is five miles from a barrack, ten police are employed daily on this duty. The force at Ballyvourney has been increased by three constables, but the force at Macroom has not been increased. Sergeant Brennan was instructed to make certain inquiries from the parents of the school children, but he did not offer any advice. The district inspector informs me that he did not enter into a political discussion with the deputation referred to, but he advised them not to interfere with the new teacher or otherwise break the peace. The extra police have been sent to the district by the responsible police authorities, and will remain there while their presence is considered necessary in the interests of the public peace.