HC Deb 22 April 1913 vol 52 c229

asked whether, having regard to the proposed repeal of the Idiots Act, 1886, it is the intention of the Government to re-enact Clause 15 of that Act, which empowers boards of guardians to receive a 4s. Grant for patients sent to institutions registered under that Act, and which will now become certified institutions tinder the Mental Deficiency Bill?


Section 15 of the Idiots Act cannot be re-enacted, because that Section merely preserved the condition of affairs existing in 1886, which was subsequently modified by the Local Government Act, 1888. My right hon. Friend is advised that neither the right of boards of guardians to send idiots to institutions—derived from Section 13 of the Poor Law Amendment Act, 1868—nor their right to receive Grants Under Section 24 (2) (f) of the Local Government Act, 1888, will be affected by the repeal of the Idiots Act.