HC Deb 21 April 1913 vol 52 c14 P
21. Mr. J. P. FARRELL

asked the Postmaster-General whether boys acting as auxiliary rural postmen are required to carry parcels to the weight of 50 lbs. and will not be allowed the use of a bicycle; and whether, if a case of the kind is brought to his notice, he will direct that a bicycle be allowed?


The maximum weight which auxiliary postmen in rural districts may be required to carry on foot has been 35 lbs. for many years. A medical inquiry was made into the question in 1909 and no change was recommended. It is not the practice to employ boys upon such duties. In deciding the question whether it is desirable to allow the use of a bicycle in any particular case, it is necessary to take into account, among other things, the nature of the round and the condition of the roads.


If I send the right hon. Gentleman particulars of this case will he, whilst inquiring into it, guarantee that the boy will not be dismissed for making a complaint?


Certainly. I will very readily give that guarantee and shall be much obliged if the hon. Member will give me any facts in his knowledge which show that hardship has been suffered.