HC Deb 16 April 1913 vol 51 c1937
63. Mr. LEACH

asked how many approved applicants for land under the Small Holdings Act are still waiting for allotments?


At the end of 1912 there were 8,508 unsatisfied approved applicants for small holdings.

64. Mr. LEACH

asked the average rent per acre charged to successful applicants under the Small Holdings Act?


I regret that I am unable to supply my hon. Friend with the information for which he asks. It could only be obtained by a great expenditure of time and labour, and having regard to the variety of considerations upon which the rent of a small holding depends, the quality of the land, the nature of the equipment and housing, and the like, I do not think that the result would have much value.

65. Mr. LEACH

asked the number of acres of land provided for approved applicants under the Small Holdings Act to the end of 1912?


One hundred and fifty-seven thousand and sixty-two acres.


asked the number of applicants for small holdings in Oxfordshire; how many have been approved; how many have been supplied with land; and the total area acquired for this purpose?


There have been 826 applications for small holdings in Oxfordshire; 514 applicants have been approved, of whom 178 have withdrawn their applications; 206 have been supplied with land by the county council and ninety by the landowners direct; 2,962 acres have been acquired by the council for the purpose of small holdings.