HC Deb 14 April 1913 vol 51 c1615
37 and 39. Sir JOHN LONSDALE

asked for (1) the number of Irish passengers lost in the "Titanic" disaster and the number of dependants left by them; and what proportion of the Mansion House Relief Fund has been allocated for the relief of Irish sufferers; and (2) how many members of the crew of the "Titanic" who perished in the late disaster came from Belfast and the neighbourhood; how many dependants were left by them; and what provision has been made for the sufferers out of public relief funds raised for this purpose?


The estimated number of Irish third-class passengers lost in the "Titanic" disaster was seventy-three. According to the information in the possession of the Board of Trade, thirteen members of the crew of the "Titanic" who lost their lives in the disaster gave Belfast either as their birthplace or as their last place of residence. I have no information with regard to the number of dependants left by the Irish passengers or by the seamen from Belfast or neighbourhood who lost their lives in the disaster, nor can I state the proportion of the Mansion House Relief Fund allocated for the relief of Irish sufferers. As the hon. Member is aware, the Board of Trade are in no way responsible for and have taken no share in the administration of that fund.