§ Mr. KINGMay I ask for information with regard to the fact that last night after Half-past Eleven, on three occasions, an hon. Member rose in his place, and claimed to move, "That the Question be now put." 1386 Although that was done on three occasions, and is so recorded in the OFFICIAL REPORT and also in many of the newspapers, there is no record of it in the Votes and Proceedings of the day. Can you give the House any explanation? If the Votes and Proceedings and the Journals of the House are correct, can you, for the information of hon. Members, explain to them what is right in this matter?
§ Mr. SPEAKERThe hon. Member must be mistaken in saying that it was after Half-past Eleven—
§ Mr. SPEAKERIt was between Half-past Ten and Eleven. I was unfortunately not able to be present in the Chair last night, and that prevented the Closure being moved. Therefore it was proper not to enter it in the Votes and Proceedings because, as the Closure cannot be granted, it is useless moving it. If it is any consolation to the hon. Member to know, I am afraid, if I had been here, I should not have granted the Closure.
§ Mr. KINGIn order that I and other Members may he guided in the future may I ask will our conduct be regarded as disorderly if we repeat this offence?
§ Mr. SPEAKERI do not suggest it is a Parliamentary offence. The only thing is it is useless, and nothing results. If I am not present in the Chair, and if my absence has not been officially announced, the Closure cannot be moved.