HC Deb 07 April 1913 vol 51 cc812-3

asked the Home Secretary whether he can state the total number of persons, distinguishing between men and women, who have been imprisoned since 1st January, 1910, for offences connected with the movement for the enfranchisement of women; what number of these have refused to take food and have been forcibly fed; and the number who have had to be released for reasons of health connected with forcible feeding?


The number of persons imprisoned for offences in connection with the suffragist agitation since 1st January, 1910, is as follows:—

Females. Males.
1910 113 3
1911 182 6
1912 238 2
1913 66 4

These figures relate to persons received into prison on conviction, and do not include cases received on remand or while awaiting trial. As I have already stated, on the 25th March, in reply to a question by my hon. Friend the Member for the Mansfield Division, out of the 240 imprisoned in 1912, fifty-seven were forcibly fed, and of these twenty-three were released for reasons of health. Since the beginning of this year, out of the seventy imprisoned ten have been forcibly fed and three of these have been released for reasons of health. Similar information with regard to the years 1910 and 1911 could not be furnished without a great expenditure of labour and time, and in some cases the particulars might not now be available.