HC Deb 03 April 1913 vol 51 cc559-60
78. Mr. DELANY

asked the President of the Board of Agriculture, whether he still persists in the twelve hours' detention for lambs imported from Ireland; is he aware that those lambs are taken off the ewes and will not drink milk, and that they shrivel up in condition very quickly after being taken from their mothers; and will he say how he proposed that they shall be fed, is it by forcible feeding; and, if so, who is to superintend the operation and who is to pay for it and, in case of accident, who will be responsible to the owners of the animals?


A few consignments of lambs have already been landed, and no difficulty has been found in feeding them with milk. As I promised in answer to a previous question on this subject, the conditions under which lambs are imported into Great Britain are being kept under careful observation, and the Board are prepared to make special arrangements if necessity should arise.