HC Deb 02 April 1913 vol 51 cc384-5
91. Mr. FELL

asked the hon. Member for St. George's-in-the-East, as representing the First Commissioner of Works, if his attention has been called to the state of the ventilation of the Committee Rooms upstairs; why the ventilating fans in the windows are never set in motion; and if there is any machinery available for the purpose or any other way of extracting the air which has become exhausted?


The running of the fans in the Committee Rooms is under the control of the Chairman of the Committee using the room, and the fans can always be run if the Chairman wishes it. Nine of the rooms have fan extracts at ceiling level, and it is intended to extend this system to other rooms as funds become available.


Are these fans in working order?


They are always in working order and can be run if the Chairmen of Committees desire that to be done.