HC Deb 01 April 1913 vol 51 c210

asked whether the employer of an insured workman who, as the result of an accident, is unable to work, but who, not having paid the necessary number of contributions is not entitled to disablement benefit, is liable for stamping the card of such workman while in receipt of compensation under the Workmen's Compensation Act; and whether in the same case the workmen is called upon to contribute any and what proportion of the cost of the stamps?


In the circumstances stated in the question the employer would not be liable to pay contributions under the National Insurance Act unless the employé was in receipt of remuneration in addition to compensation under the Workmen's Compensation Act, and he would not be liable in any event if the man were in receipt of sickness benefit. It would be open to the insured person, if he so desired, to pay contributions at the employed rate himself with a view to qualifying for disablement benefit at the earliest possible date; but I may point out that under Section 11 of the National Insurance Act an insured person cannot obtain disablement benefit if in receipt of compensation of a weekly value equal to or exceeding the disablement benefit which would otherwise be payable.