HC Deb 28 October 1912 vol 43 cc39-40

asked whether the recent advertisement of Danish potatoes in the "Board of Trade Journal" was inserted at the request of the editor or of the Danish growers; whether the normal charge was made for such advertisement; whether other foreign or Colonial growers of agricultural or horticultural produce have, during the last six months, sought to insert advertisements in the Board's Journal; and what is the general policy of the Board in relation to such advertisements?


No notices are inserted in the "Board of Trade Journal" in return for payment, and all requests for the insertion of notices as to openings for British trade must be received through some recognised channel, such, for example, as a Chamber of Commerce, Trade Association, or (in the case of foreign or Colonial notices) a British Consul or Trade Commissioner. Other notices as to Colonial or foreign sources of supply of agricultural and horticultural produce have occasionally been inserted in the "Board of Trade Journal" where the circumstances seemed to warrant such a course. The general policy of the Board of Trade in this matter was indicated in the reply given by my hon. Friend the Secretary of the Board of Trade to questions by the hon. Members for Gravesend and Dulwich on 23rd October, of which I am sending the hon. Member a copy.


I do not think the right hon. Gentleman has answered my question as to whether this advertisement was inserted at the request of the Danish grower, or on the initiative of the Board of Trade editor?


I think it must have come through some recognised channel. I think it came from the British Consul, but I am not quite certain.