HC Deb 24 October 1912 vol 42 c2357

asked the Chief Secretary whether he is aware that the holder of licensed premises in Limerick, the windows of whose public bar were broken on the night of 12th October, on Monday, 14th October, placed a notice in his window to the effect that, in spite of his name, he was a Roman Catholic, was married to a Roman Catholic in a Roman Catholic church, and that his children were baptised Roman Catholic, and giving the name of his particular church, and that, by exhibiting this notice, he prevented further damage to his property; and whether he will state what protection is afforded to the occupiers of premises who have not this means of securing immunity from attacks on their property?


A notice, to the effect mentioned in the question was seen by the police in the window of a small unlicensed eating house in Limerick, in which one pane of glass had been broken on the night of the 10th instant. They are doing everything in their power to protect property in the city.