HC Deb 22 October 1912 vol 42 cc1921-2

asked the Secretary for Scotland whether he has received representations from various associations in Scotland on the subject of the position of teachers in voluntary schools; whether such teachers do not enjoy the same rights as their colleagues in the public schools; if so, whether it is in his power to put the matter right without legislation; and, if not, whether he will introduce such legislation as may be necessary for the purpose?


I have received representations of the character referred to by the hon. Member. It is the case that the provisions of the Public Schools (Scotland) Teachers Act, 1882, do not extend to teachers in voluntary schools, nor do such teachers enjoy the right of appeal to the Department against dismissal by managers conferred upon teachers in public schools by Section 21 of the Education (Scotland) Act of 1908. No change in this respect is possible without legislation, but I am not in a position at present to give any undertaking as to the introduction of such legislation.