HC Deb 22 October 1912 vol 42 cc1897-8

asked the number of officers, non-commissioned officers and men who attended the 1912 camp for fifteen days; the number who attended for eight days or for a shorter period; the number of officers, non-commissioned officers and men who were absent from camp this year with leave; and the number of officers, non-commissioned officers and men who were absent from camp this year without leave? Colonel SEELY: The figures are as follows:—

Officers. N.C.O.'s and Men.
For 15 days and over 6,851 154,800
For 8 days and less than 15 1,006 66,195
For less than 8 days 46 314
Absent with leave 1,317 27,236
Absent without leave 37 6,010
The figures for the London Electrical Engineers who do not complete training until the end of October are not included.

15 and 16. Mr. BENNETT-GOLDNEY

asked (15) what numbers of the same forty-one officers and 6,755 men of the Territorial Force mentioned on page 117 of the General Annual Report of the British Army, published in 1912, for the year ending September, 1911, as absent without leave from camp in the year 1911 were again returned as absent this year; and, if any of these officers and men were so absent for the second time, whether any steps have been taken or will be taken to have their names removed from the Territorial Force; and (16) the number of officers, of non-commissioned officers, and of men now serving in the Infantry of the Territorial Force who have been absent with leave and without leave from the training of their battalions on two or more occasions according to the records kept at the headquarters of each battalion?

Colonel SEELY

The information required by this and the next question is not available at the War Office, and could only be obtained by calling for a special return, which would involve considerable labour in compilation. It does not appear that the advantage to be derived from the return is sufficient to justify the additional work thrown on to the Territorial staff.


asked the right hon. Gentleman whether he contemplates any proposal, and, if so, what, intended to make employers of labour more disposed to granting to their men facilities for service in the Territorial Force?

Colonel SEELY

The question of compensating employers of men serving in the Territorial Force is under consideration, and inquiries are being made as to the most satisfactory form that this could take. I shall be glad to receive any suggestions that the hon. Member may desire to make on the subject.


Will the right hon. Gentleman consider the advisability of forwarding this undertaking by making modifications in conjunction with the Chancellor of the Exchequer with reference to the Insurance Act?

Colonel SEELY

That is a matter for my right hon. Friend. I do not know that that would be a very wise method to adopt.


Is it not a matter for the right hon. Gentleman also?


Will the right hon. Gentleman consider the advisability of allowing a certain exemption in Income Tax to employers for the employés who go to camp, for instance, an exemption of £10 per year?


The hon. Member cannot expect an answer now to a question of that kind, of which notice should be given.

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