HC Deb 21 October 1912 vol 42 cc1716-7

asked the Home Secretary if his attention has been called to the prosecution at the Enfield Police Court on Monday of a motor omnibus driver for driving at a speed exceeding twelve miles an hour; if the defence was that the driver had to keep to a timetable, which only allowed eleven minutes for a distance of two and a-half miles, including stoppages; if he is aware that the driver was fined 40s. and 15s. 2d. costs; and if, in view of the allegation that the man was required by his employers' timetable to break the law, he will refer the facts to the Attorney-General with a view to proceedings against the directors of the motor omnibus company?


My attention has been called to this case. The driver pleaded guilty, and the statement made by him when addressing the bench was, it would appear, inaccurate. I am informed that the scheduled time for the portion of the journey referred to is not eleven but eighteen minutes, this being equal to a speed of 8.76 miles per hour.


Has my right hon. Friend not made any examination of the time-table in force?


That was the scheduled time from point to point. 1 will speak to the Chief Commissioner about the matter.