§ 57. Mr. BOOTHasked the Secretary of State for the Home Department if he is aware of the facts in connection with the dismissals and resignations in the police force of Sheffield; whether any inquiry will be instituted by the Home Office; and whether he has cause to believe that similar practices to those exposed at Sheffield are to be found in any other town in the United Kingdom?
§ Mr. STUART-WORTLEYBefore the right hon. Gentleman answers that question, may I ask whether the Secretary of State has been informed of the disciplinary and other measures taken by the Watch Committee of the City of Sheffield immediately upon the discovery of the irregularities referred to in the question, and whether he has any reason to doubt that those measures will suffice to maintain the high standard of efficiency for which the Sheffield police force has so long been famous?
§ Mr. McKENNAIn reply to the question on the Paper, I have to say the matter is one for which the local police authority is responsible. I have no reason to suppose they have not dealt with it adequately or that any intervention on my part is called for. If there were any similar practice in any other town, it would be for the local police authority to deal with it, but I have no reason to believe that any other police force is in default.
In reply to the question of the right hon. Gentleman opposite, I may say I have received no official report on the subject, but I have seen in the Press reports of the prompt measures taken by the Watch Committee to deal with the matter, and I have no reason to doubt that the Watch Committee will see that the high character of the Sheffield police is maintained.