HC Deb 14 October 1912 vol 42 cc765-7

asked the First Lord of the Admiralty what are the duties in the Royal Navy for which specialist allowance is awarded to officers?

The FIRST LORD of the ADMIRALTY (Mr. Churchill)

The duties for which specialist allowance is awarded to officers are: Gunnery, torpedo, engineering, in the case of future engineer officers, navigation, war staff, signalling, physical training, wireless telegraphy. Special allowances are also granted to officers serving in the Royal Flying Corps and in the submarine service, but these are more in the nature of compensation for the extra risks involved. Extra pay is also payable to officers appointed for surveying, intelligence and interpreter's duties.


Are all the officers at present employed on the War Staff receiving specialist allowance?


I am afraid I must ask for notice of that question.


Are specialist allowances made to the men as well as to the officers in the submarine service?


Yes, it is on a higher scale.


asked what is considered to be the total monetary value of the board, fuel and light, medical attendance, personal servant at reduced wages, etc., enjoyed by an officer on full pay when serving afloat, taking into consideration the present increased cost of living and the rate of wages that has to be paid to civilian servants on shore; and what allowance in lieu of this sum is made to officers on shore who do not enjoy the ad vantages enumerated?


In the case of an officer serving afloat a contribution of 10d. a day is made towards his board. No data are available for estimating the cost per head of the fuel and light supplied. Officers serving on shore are granted an allowance of £24 a year as compensation for the advantages they enjoy afloat in respect of victualling, fuel and light. As regards medical services the cost to the Crown may be taken as averaging between £4 and £5 per annum for each person serving in the Navy. Officers serving on shore in dockyards and victualling yards enjoy the same advantage in point of medical attendance as those afloat. Assuming the advantage accruing to an officer afloat through being supplied with a servant to be represented by the cost of the servant to the Crown for pay and victualling, the pecuniary value of that advantage may be taken as averaging, say, £50 a year. The allowance in lieu to such an officer on shore would be £40 a year.


May I ask if that applies to all the officers serving at the Admiralty Office?


I am afraid I cannot answer those questions as to details of administration without notice in each case.