§ 8. Mr. NOEL BUXTONasked whether, with a view to securing adequate reform in European Turkey, the Powers have urged upon the Sublime Porte either the establishment of autonomy for Macedonia and Albania or the administration of those provinces by European Governors responsible to the Powers, as proposed by the British Government in 1908?
§ Sir E. GREYHis Majesty's Government have consistently encouraged the Turkish Government to proceed in its intention to introduce reforms into the administration of Turkey in Europe. The situation has hitherto not offered occasion for the discussion in detail of those reforms; but, in regard to the attitude of His Majesty's Government, I would refer the hon. Member to the reply to his question respecting the course agreed upon by the five Powers in common in regard to the collective communication at Constantinople upon the general question of reforms in Turkey in Europe. The substance 496 of the communication made to the Balkan States appeared in the Press yesterday.
§ 9. Mr. NOEL BUXTONasked whether the British Government has deprecated collective action on the part of the Powers in the presentation of the proposals urging reforms upon the Porte; and, if so, whether he will state the grounds for this course?
§ Sir E. GREYThe question whether representations at Constantinople should be identic or collective was one of the minor points discussed recently. We preferred the idea of an identic representation; but we agreed to a collective representation in deference to the views of other Powers. We agreed also to the terms in which it was proposed to make it, and His Majesty's Ambassador was authorised some days ago to join in the representation at Constantinople as soon as his colleagues were instructed.