HC Deb 28 November 1912 vol 44 cc1460-1

asked the Chief Secretary if he can state how many labourers' cottages were contracted for by the Ennis-killen Rural District Council from September, 1909, to September, 1912; what are the names of the contractors and the dates of the contracts, respectively; the dates upon which the council took over the houses from the contractors; the amount of each contract and the balance due on foot of each; how long the council have been receiving rents out of the houses; how many houses contracted for are in course of erection and the dates of the contracts respecting them; how many cottages have been contracted for respecting which no work has yet been done; how many proposed sites paid for by the council over three years ago are still in possession of their former owners; and will he ask the Local Government Board to send one of their engineers to the district to have all the houses contracted for completed, having regard to the need for housing accommodation for labourers in the district?


I will furnish the hon. Member with a tabular statement giving the information asked for in the question. As regards the last paragraph, however, it is no part of the duties of the architects of the Local Government Board to take over works under contract with a view to their completion.


Will the right hon. Gentleman bring pressure to bear on the rural council to have these labourers' cottages built so that the labourers may have some place to reside in? Further, is it three years since they were advertised for, and will the right hon. Gentleman expedite the same?


I know the people have been waiting a long lime. I am afraid I can exercise no discretion.


Could the engineer in charge of them be changed and replaced by another?


The appointment rests with the local body.