§ 54. Mr. MARTINasked the Prime Minister if his attention has been drawn to the statement made in the speech from the Throne at the opening of the Canadian House of Commons on the 21st instant, to the effect that during the past summer four members of the Canadian Government had conferred in London with His Majesty's Government on the question of naval defence, that an important discussion took place and conditions had been disclosed which, in the opinion of the Governor-General's advisers, rendered it imperative that the effective naval forces of the Empire should be strengthened without delay; and, if so, is the Canadian Government warranted in coming to such a conclusion from information conveyed to them by His Majesty's Government; and, if so, does His Majesty's Government intend to wait for contributions from Canada and other Dominions before strengthening the Navy?
§ 57. Mr. HOGGEasked the Prime Minister whether his attention has been drawn to a speech from the Throne in Ottawa, in which the Duke of Connaught referred to conditions disclosed by His Majesty's Government to four members of the Canadian Government which, in their opinion, rendered it imperative that the effective naval forces of the Empire should be strengthened without delay; whether this is also the view of His Majesty's Government; whether, in view of this statement, it is still true that our relations with foreign countries are friendly: and ' whether he will state why such an announcement of our naval weakness was made to the Canadian and not to the British people?
§ The PRIME MINISTERA Memorandum has, at the request of the Canadian Government, been prepared by the Admiralty for presentation to the Dominion Parliament. It will, in due course, be laid before the House of Commons, and my hon. Friend will find that it defines with fullness and precision the position adopted by His Majesty's Government. Meanwhile I think it would be better not to enter upon the various argumentative aspects of these two questions.
§ The PRIME MINISTERCertainly. It is obvious that is must be laid before the Canadian Parliament first.
§ Mr. HOGGEIs it the view of His Majesty's Government that the effective naval forces of the Empire have been weakened?
§ The PRIME MINISTERI would rather not enter into these argumentative matters until the memorandum has been produced.
§ Mr. MARTINWill the right lion. Gentleman say when the memorandum will be laid before the House?
§ The PRIME MINISTERI cannot say at present. It must first go before the Canadian Parliament. As soon as it has been presented there it will be presented here.