HC Deb 21 November 1912 vol 44 cc476-7

asked the Postmaster-General whether he is aware that the Governor-General of Australia has been asked to inform the Secretary of State for the Colonies that the Commonwealth Government do not consider that the concessions as regards cable rates, referred to in the speech delivered by the Postmaster-General on the 3rd April last, fulfil the expectations raised in the minds of those who attended the Imperial Conference, with respect to the reductions mentioned in Resolution 15, and that the Commonwealth Government is in favour of a State-owned Atlantic cable, and is of opinion that a conference should be called to consider the matter in the terms of Resolution 15; whether he has been informed by the Secretary of State for the Colonies that such a dispatch has been received; and, if so, what reply has been made to the request of the Commonwealth Government that a subsidiary conference should be called to consider the matter in (he terms of Resolution 15?


My attention has been called to the dispatch from the Governor-General of the Commonwealth of Australia to which the hon. Member refers. Since that dispatch was sent considerable further reductions have been effected in the Transatlantic cable rates, and certain new arrangements are contemplated by the Pacific Cable Board. The Government are suspending their reply to the Australian Government pending the completion of those arrangements.