HC Deb 19 November 1912 vol 44 cc99-100
21. Mr. GILL

asked the Secretary to the Treasury whether his attention has been drawn to a resolution passed by the Lancashire County Council with respect to the necessity for defraying the out-of-pocket expenses of representatives on the county health committees; whether the Act will permit the payment of a scale of expenses as recommended in the resolution referred to; and, if not, whether steps will be taken to meet these expenses by moneys provided by Parliament?


My attention has been drawn to this resolution. As my hon. Friend is doubtless aware, insurance committees may pay the travelling expenses of members in counties, and are doing so in many cases; but the Insurance Commissioners are advised that such expenses must be limited to those actually incurred by members in travelling to meetings of the committee. As to the other point raised by my hon. Friend, I have nothing at present to add to the answer I gave to my hon. Friend the Member for Fife (West) on Thursday last.


Is the right hon. Gentleman now prepared to say what provision is being made for payment of expenses of committees in those counties where it is impossible to make adequate financial arrangements?


That is a subject under discussion with the Treasury.


Do necessary expenses include necessary food?


By the terms of the Act expenses, as far as the insurance fund is concerned, are limited to the railway expenses.