HC Deb 14 November 1912 vol 43 cc2058-60

asked the Chief Secretary to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland whether he is aware that the tenants on the Mahony estate at Dooks, near Glenbeigh, have declined to consider purchase negotiations until the evicted tenants or their representatives have been reinstated; whether he is aware that three houses have been built on a portion of the holding from which Michael O'Sullivan was evicted; and whether he will institute inquiries with a view to ascertaining whether an amicable arrangement can be come to as regards these houses as I distinct from the rest of the evicted farm?


The answer to the first part of the question is in the affirmative. The Congested Districts Board have, no information regarding the houses referred to in the second paragraph. The Board have informed the agent that if terms of purchase be arranged between the owner and the tenants, and the holdings needing rearrangement striped or consolidated, they will be prepared to consent to a direct sale through the Estates Commissioners. The Commissioners, however, will not make any advance to the representatives of Michael O'Sullivan for the purchase of any portion of the lands in question.


asked whether the Estates Commissioners have yet decided what action they will take in the matter of the purchase of the Colomb estate, near Cahirciveen; and whether, in view of the fact that the Congested Districts Board expressed its readiness in July last to enter into negotiations if the Commissioners will not do so, he can state how the matter now stands?


This estate is the subject of proceedings for sale direct by the owner to the tenants under the Land Purchase Acts. The question of declaring the lands to be an "estate" came before the Commissioners for hearing in Court on the 12th instant, when they made an order refusing to declare the lands to be an "estate" for the purposes of sale, but they put a stay on their order for six months to allow the owner to negotiate with the Congested Districts Board with a view to the purchase of the estate by the Board.

10. Mr. O'DOWD

asked whether the tenantry on the Kilross estate, situate in Ballintogher West Electoral Division, union of Sligo, late landlords Hewetson and others, forwarded a memorial to the Estates Commissioners in April last praying that the Knocatubber grazing farm on that estate be purchased for the relief of congestion in the district, and that, as a result, an inspection of this farm was carried out; and, if so, whether, seeing that the present occupier of the farm is prepared to sell, the Chief Secretary will see that steps will be taken for the immediate purchase of this farm?


The Estates Commissioners received the memorial referred to. The farm is tenanted, and the tenant has entered into an agreement with the owner to purchase it in connection with the sale of the estate under the Land Purchase Acts. The Commissioners are prepared to consider the purchase of the farm provided the owner acquires the tenant's interest and offers the lands to them as untenanted lands for purposes of distribution. The powers of the Commissioners to acquire land under the Land Purchase Acts are limited to the acquisition of lands in fee.


asked whether the Estates Commissioners will include the occupiers of houses in the village of Mount Collins, in the county of Limerick, in the purchase of the Mahony estate there; and whether they intend to give them a portion of the untenanted lands purchased by them in the district?


The buildings in Mount Collins are included in the Mahony estate, which has been acquired by the Estates Commissioners, and the resale of the holdings to the occupiers, and the allotment of such untenanted land as may be acquired, will be duly considered by the Commissioners.


asked whether the Estates Commissioners have yet purchased the untenanted lands at Mount Henry, Coolcappa, in the county of Limerick, the property of Miss Delmege; and, if so, can the right lion. Gentleman say when they propose to apportion it among deserving applicants in the district?


The reply is in the negative. The question of the purchase of these lands was under consideration, but no agreement was come to.