HC Deb 14 November 1912 vol 43 cc2081-2
64. Mr. FRED HALL (Dulwich)

asked the Home Secretary if his attention has been called to two charges recently brought before the magistrate at Bow Street and Marlborough Street police courts for driving to the public danger, in one of which the accused, a taxi-cab driver, was severely punished for being intoxicated while in charge of a car, while in the other case, that of a young woman charged with a similar offence, a light penalty only was imposed; and if he will inquire into the matter and, if the facts justify such action, order the release of the man?


I would refer the hon. Member to the reply which was given to his question on Thursday and Tuesday last, and which was printed in the Parliamentary Debates.


May I ask whether it is correct for a Minister to circulate the answer to a question when before a quarter to four notice has been given at the Table of the withdrawal of the question owing to its not having been reached during Question Time?


The answer ought not to be circulated in such a case; but, as I have said before, it is not always easy for a Minister to know whether or not a question has been postponed. If he is made aware of the fact that a question is postponed he ought to withhold the answer and not hand it in at the Table. Precautions are taken as far as possible to carry out that rule, but sometimes, when a great number of questions are not reached, it is not easy to see that the rule is carried out.


May I say that no notice reached me that the question had been postponed.


May I inform the right hon. Gentleman that I gave the notification at the Table?


asked the Home Secretary if his attention has been called to a case before the Blackpool police court on 28th October, when Thomas Owtsin Thurston was convicted of driving a motor car at a dangerous speed, thereby causing the death of a woman, and was fined £10; is he aware that seven previous convictions were recorded against this man for offences under the Motor Acts; and if he will introduce legislation to provide a more severe punishment for such offences?


My attention was not called to this case until my hon. Friend's question appeared on the Paper. I am making inquiry, and will communicate with my hon. Friend as soon as I have had an opportunity of considering the case.

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