HC Deb 12 November 1912 vol 43 c1795
31. Viscount WOLMER

asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer whether he is aware that Mr. J. Roach, of Leigh, Lancashire, was appointed an inspector under the National Insurance Act on the 3rd October; whether he is aware that on the J 5th October Mr. Roach made a party speech at a public meeting in Leigh, held in support of a Labour candidate; and whether, in view of these circumstances, he will see his way to reconsider the appointment?


The Noble Lord is misinformed. As I stated in reply to him on the 5th instant, the gentleman in question was not an officer of the Commission when the speech referred to was delivered. His appointment dates from 21st October, not 3rd October.

Viscount WOLMER

Is the right hon. Gentleman aware that in a local newspaper of 4th October the notice of his appointment appeared, and this speech was made ten days later?


I cannot answer for the local newspaper. The facts are a? I have stated. This appointment was made on 21st October.


Can the right hon. Gentleman give any explanation of this intelligent anticipation of the appointment?


You had better inquire from the local newspaper.


Was nothing at all said to this gentleman about his appointment before that date?


I do not know in the least what was said before the appointment on 21st October. Before that date that gentleman was a free man to take any political action he chose.

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