HC Deb 11 November 1912 vol 43 c1704

asked what is the present state of affairs in Constantinople; and what measures are being taken by the Powers to preserve order?


In answer to the first question, I would refer to the answer I gave to the right hon. Gentleman the Leader of the Opposition on the 5th instant, which describes the situation as we still believe it to be. In answer to the second question, the Powers have dispatched warships to Constantinople for the protection of their nationals, and chartered merchant ships for their accommodation, should such measures prove necessary; and, up to noon to-day ten warships, apart from the four stationnaires, had actually arrived, including His Majesty's ship "Weymouth" and His Majesty's ship "Hampshire." I may add that His Majesty's ship "Prometheus" is at Beyrout and His Majesty's ship "Barham" at Alexandretta. Some of His Majesty's ships are at Smyrna and Salonica, and other ships are within reach of Constantinople at Besika Bay should the Ambassador require their assistance.