HC Deb 11 November 1912 vol 43 cc1728-9
63. Mr. TOUCHE

asked the Secretary of State for the Home Department if he will say what local authorities in London have made by-laws during the last two years regulating or restricting roller skating on footpaths and streets, and to how many of these has his sanction or that of his predecessor in office been refused; and is it now intended to leave the regulation of the practice to the discretion of the borough councils and allow such by-laws as in their discretion they may consider desirable for the safety of the public and the skaters?


Seven Metropolitan boroughs, namely, Camberwell, Hammersmith, Islington, Lambeth, Southwark, Stoke Newington and Woolwich have made by-laws on this subject. In two cases, namely, Islington and Stoke Newington, the by-laws were in such terms that it was found necessary to disallow them. In three cases the bylaws were allowed to come into force, and in Stoke Newington a second by-law was submitted, part of which was allowed. In two cases the by-laws are awaiting the expiration of the period which, according to Statute, must elapse before they come into force. In an eighth case a draft by-law is under consideration. I am quite ready to consider any representations on this matter from borough councils, but roller skating is a healthy recreation for those who are too poor to afford other and more expensive amusements, and I am not prepared to allow any by-law which goes beyond what is necessary in the interest of public safety.