34. Mr. MacCALLUM SCOTTasked whether, in connection with any proposed legislation following upon the Report of the Departmental Committee on Bankruptcy Law of Scotland Amendment, he has considered the question of terminating the exemption of Civil servants' salaries from diligence for civil debt; and, if so, whether it is proposed to take any steps in the matter?
Mr. McKINNON WOODThe question of the exemption from diligence of Civil servants' salaries was not within the scope of the remit to the Departmental Committee, and was not considered by them. The Committee recommend, however, the 1014 extension of section 149 of the Bankruptcy (Scotland) Act, 1856, to all salaries payable by the Treasury, whereby the salary of a Civil servant would, in the event of his being sequestrated, be available in such, part as the Treasury sanctioned for the benefit of his creditors.