HC Deb 22 May 1912 vol 38 cc1902-3

asked the First Lord of the Admiralty whether, in view of the fact that a man in the Navy, although wounded in action and consequently invalided out of the Navy permanently injured, can be deprived of so small a pension as 1s. 1d. a day, he will take this into consideration when deciding the amount of the increase of pay now being considered by the Admiralty?


The Regulations with regard to naval pensions for wounds or injuries sustained on duty contemplate that the governing considerations in determining the rates, and the duration of the awards, shall be length of service, rating, and character of the individuals, and the degree in which the wounds or injuries incapacitate them from contributing to their own support. As regards the last sentence of the question, I can add nothing to the statement made by the First Lord on Monday last.