HC Deb 16 May 1912 vol 38 cc1267-8

asked whether the right hon. Gentleman's attention has been drawn to a Bill introduced in February by the Union of South Africa Government to provide for the Customs management of the Union and providing that, in the case of articles imported of a class made or produced in the Union if the actual selling price at the time of its exportation to the Union be less than the current value of the same article when sold for home consumption in the country of origin, there shall be imposed a special duty equal to the difference between the said selling price of the articles for export and the current value for home consumption, and whether he has received representations from any foreign Power on the proposals as above outlined, in view of the additional duties that may be thereby imposed?


Yes, Sir, the Bill contains a Clause of the kind described. I have heard of no representation on the subject having been made to the Foreign Office.