HC Deb 14 May 1912 vol 38 cc938-9

asked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs if he will say on what date the proposal for forming a Société d'etudes to promote a scheme for a Trans-Persian railway first came before His Majesty's Government; whether any meetings of this society have yet been held; and when he expects to be in a position to make a statement, or to lay Papers, in order that the House may have full information on the subject?


The proposal in its present form first came before His Majesty's Government at the beginning of last year. The hon. Gentleman is already aware from the reply returned to him on the 7th instant that the Société has not been definitely constituted, so that no meetings can have been held. I cannot therefore usefully add at present to the information that I have already given.


Am I to understand that the information in the Press giving the names of the English members of the Société is incorrect?


The formation of the Société has been under discussion for some time, but according to my information it has not yet been finally completed, and until it is completed we cannot do anything.

Colonel YATE

Will the question of the claim of England to construct railways south of the limits of the Russian sphere be brought forward, and the Persian Government informed on the subject?


When the question gets to a further stage, of course, the Persian Government must be informed. At present the matter is in a very inchoate state. We have from the beginning said that we would have to stipulate for certain conditions, and the point which the hon. Member has raised is one of the things we should bear in mind before we give our support to any scheme.