HC Deb 14 May 1912 vol 38 cc960-1

asked the Chief Secretary for Ireland, if his attention has been called to the report of the inspection of various squads of men, members of the Portadown Unionist Club, by Colonel Fitzgerald, J.P., and Major Blacker, J.P., when the squads marched in military style, and were finally led up for a march past, and that the men carried wooden guns, and to the fact that Colonel Fitzgerald, in addressing the men, stated that such drilling was to show English and Scotch people that Ulster Unionists were determined to stand up for and defend their rights, etc., and that under no circumstances would they ever submit to be governed by a Home Rule Parliament; and will he explain why no action has been taken against the persons responsible for this incitement to sedition and armed violence against the Crown?


It is a fact that an inspection of the Portadown Unionist Club was held on the 30th March last by the gentlemen named. The men, who carried dummy rifles made of wood—something similar to those used by the Boys' Brigade—went through simple squad movements in drill, followed by a march past. The police report that after the inspection was over Colonel Fitzgerald and Major Blacker gave short addresses which were inaudible to the spectators. It is understood that this drilling took place with a view to presenting a smart appearance at the demonstration held in Belfast on Easter Tuesday. The Government are keeping a careful watch on all such proceedings, and the War Office has a list of all officers engaged. Up to the present nothing has occurred which, in the opinion of the Government, renders active steps in the least necessary. Hypothetical rebellion on the happening of the passage into law of a Bill lately introduced into the House of Commons appears to stand in a different position to advice intended to lead to immediate action.


May I ask the right hon. Gentleman if drilling by these people is still continuing since the demonstration, and that the Government dare not stop it?




Can the right hon. Gentleman say whether those who marched past had wooden heads and were supplied with wooden ammunition?