Mr. FRED HALL (Dulwich)asked the President of the Board of Trade whether it is proposed under the Light Railways Bill to make the promoters of trackless trolley schemes responsible for road alterations and maintenance; whether road rates will also be leviable in respect of such lines; and whether, in view of the fact that no greater wear and tear has been shown to arise from trackless trolley vehicles than in the case of motor omnibuses, he will consider the desirability of placing the two forms of locomotion on the same footing in these respects?
Mr. BUXTONThe Bill, as introduced on behalf of the Board of Trade, did not require a contribution for road maintenance from promoters of trackless trolley schemes, nor did it expressly provide that promoters are to be liable for road altera- 770 tions necessitated by their schemes, but this would be provided for in any Order made under the powers of the Bill. The Standing Committee, to whom the Bill has been referred, have adopted an amendment requiring that every Order authorising a trackless trolley scheme shall provide for a maintenance contribution. Promoters of trackless trolley schemes will be liable to be rated on their undertakings in respect of the posts and wires erected by them as part of their system. I have no evidence that trackless trolley vehicles cause greater wear and tear to roads than motor omnibuses.
Mr. FRED HALLAs to the last part of the reply, as the right hon. Gentleman admits, trackless trolley vehicles will not do more harm than motor omnibuses, for what reasons should they be asked to pay portion of the rates?
Mr. BUXTONThe hon. Member was on the Grand Committee, and I understand, from my hon. Friend the Parliamentary Secretary, who was in charge of the Bill, that the Government were beaten on this point. Therefore, perhaps the hon. Member will put down a question, and I will endeavour to give an answer after consulting those who were present.