HC Deb 07 May 1912 vol 38 cc231-2

asked whether the Postmaster-General is aware that there has recently been delivered through the Post Office a number of unsealed letters bearing upon the envelope in large print charges of malversation by highly placed Government officials, and the announcement that the envelope contains an indictment against one of His Majesty's Ministers, identified by name, and further containing in a printed letter enclosed the suggestion that such Minister has been guilty of surreptitious legislation, contumacy, confiscation, felony patronage, or improprieties of some other character; and whether any and what supervision is exercised by the postal authorities to provide against public revenue being obtained in exchange for the service of distributing documents of the character named?


I have not seen a specimen of the letters to which the hon. Member refers. If he will be good enough to send me one of them in the condition in which it was when put into the post, I will inform him whether or not it could have been treated as a prohibited article under the Post Office Regulations.