HC Deb 07 May 1912 vol 38 c219

asked the President of the Local Government Board what steps lave been taken to collect information as to what accommodation in existing sanatoria or other institutions will be available on 15th July, 1912, for the use of persons entitled to sanatoria benefit on that date?


In December last I directed a form to be sent to each medical officer of health in England and Wales asking for information as to the number of beds provided for the treatment of cases of phthisis in his district, and as to the arrangements for the use of such beds. Over 1,750 of the 1,800 forms which were issued have been returned, and from these it would appear that, apart from beds in Poor Law institutions and excluding beds for which 30s. a week or more is charged, nearly 4,000 beds have been provided. I am not aware what proportion of these beds could be approved for the reception of cases under the National Insurance Act, nor can I say how many of these beds will be unoccupied on the 15th of July next. It is proposed to ask the councils of counties and county boroughs to organise schemes of treatment, either separately or in combination, and in the organisation of schemes it will be necessary for them to take into account any existing suitable accommodation, and to consult other local authorities and bodies who may be interested.


Can the right hon. Gentleman suggest how these other parties are going to find out how many beds are available at the date of the Act coming into operation?


I think they may do it through the medium by means of which this excellent information was obtained.