§ Mr. HARRY LAWSONasked the Secretary to the Treasury whether the Insurance Commissioners have considered the question of accommodation adequate to the increase in the number and the membership of friendly societies and other provident associations for meetings and administrative purposes; whether any negotiations have taken place with local authorities for the use of public buildings or public elementary schools; what provision is to be made for women's societies or branches of societies; and if it is intended to deal with this subject by legislation?
§ The FINANCIAL SECRETARY to the TREASURY (Mr. Masterman)The question is engaging the consideration of the Commissioners. They will, however, be in a better position to make arrangements under the provisions of Section 27 when further progress has been made with the formation and approval of societies, in particular of women's societies, and a clearer indication has thus been afforded of the character and extent of the accommodation required. They do not consider that any legislation on the subject will be necessary.
§ Mr. HARRY LAWSONIs the hon. Gentleman aware that at the present moment societies find very great difficulty in getting premises in which to meet?
§ Mr. MASTERMANI am fully aware of it. I think there will be no doubt that the Commissioners will take action under Section 27.