HC Deb 28 March 1912 vol 36 cc731-2

Lords' Amendment: To leave out "The expression 'workman' means any person employed in a mine below ground who is not a person employed solely in surveying or measuring, or an official of the mine," and to insert instead thereof ("The expression 'workman' means any person em- ployed in a coal mine below ground other than—

  1. "(a) a person so employed occasionally or casually only; or
  2. "(b) a person so employed solely in surveying or measuring; or
  3. "(c) a person so employed as mechanic; or
  4. "(d) the manager or any under-manager of the mine; or
  5. "(e) any other official of the mine whose position in the mine is recognised by the Joint District Board as being a position different from that of a workman.")

Motion made, and Question proposed, "That this House doth agree with the Lords in the said Amendment."


I do not intend to interfere with the Bill going through, but I desire to put on record that in paragraph (c) there is the word "mechanic." That is a dangerous word to introduce. It was used in connection with the Miners Eight Hours Bill, and it has given rise to considerable difficulty. It would not be desirable to interfere with the passing of the Bill, and I merely put on record that that is a dangerous word.


I think there should be some acknowledgment on the part of the Government of the great improvements which have been made in the Bill through the Lords Amendments.

The PRESIDENT of the BOARD of TRADE (Mr. Buxton)

All these Amendments have come as Amendments to the Bill proposed by the Government.


I may point out that the Government could not have brought them to pass if it had not been for the Second Chamber.

Lords Amendment agreed to.