Captain O'NEILLasked why such an unusually large number of candidates were admitted to the Royal Military College, Sandhurst, after the last competitive examination, additional to those who appeared on the first successful list; and in which branch of the Service most of these unforeseen vacancies occurred?
§ Colonel SEELYThe number of candidates admitted additional to those who appeared on the first successful list wan not due to the occurrence of unforeseen vacancies in any particular branch of the Service, but was due, firstly, to the number of candidates entering as King's Cadets, King's India Cadets, and on the nominations of the Army Council being smaller than had been expected; and, secondly, to there being fewer failures than usual among the class passing out in December last.
Captain O'NEILLWas the list reopened to the same extent proportionately to Woolwich and the universities?
§ Colonel SEELYI cannot answer that without notice. Perhaps the hon. and gallant Gentleman will put a question down.