HC Deb 25 March 1912 vol 36 cc5-6

asked whether the right hon. Gentleman will lay upon the Table of the House the text of the treaties under which, in certain eventualities, the Sultan of Koweit is entitled to claim the protection of His Majesty's Government; whether any portion of the cost of suppressing piracy and the slave trade has during the past fifty years been defrayed by the Ottoman Government; and what has been the approximate annual expenditure incurred by His Majesty's Government since, the year 1863 in effectively carrying out police duties and protecting the shipping and commerce of all nations in the waters of the Persian Gulf?


In reply to the first question, I would refer the hon. Member to the answers given on 21st March and 28th March, 1911, to the hon. Member for East Mayo; in reply to the second question, Turkey has, in a limited degree, engaged in measures for this object in the waters of the Shatt-el-Arab, but I have no information as to the cost; in reply to the last question, the cost involved in rendering the services indicated has been considerable, but, as it forms part of the general Consular and naval expenditure in the Persian Gulf, I cannot give separate figures.

Colonel YATE

Can the hon. Gentleman give any instances in which Turkey has assisted?


I think the hon. and gallant Member had better put down a question.