HC Deb 25 March 1912 vol 36 c40

asked the Home Secretary whether his attention has been called to an action against the Lord Chamberlain on Monday, 11th March, at the Westminster County Court, before His Honour Judge Woodfall, brought by Mr. Laurence Cowen for the return of the MSS. of two unlicensed plays, from which it would appear that the Lord Chamberlain has consistently disregarded the provisions of the Theatres Act, 6 and 7 Vic, cap. 68, by negotiating direct with and receiving the fees for examination from the authors and not the managers of the theatres at which the plays are proposed to be produced; whether he is aware that in consequence a number of the plays being performed under the Lord Chamberlain's licence are produced in direct contravention of such Statute; and whether he can state what steps he proposes to take to render such performance legal?


I am informed by the Lord Chamberlain that, while he disclaims any authority to give an opinion on points of law, he does not consider that it is the case that a number of plays are being performed in contravention of the Statute for the reason suggested by the hon. Member. I do not propose to take any steps in the matter.