HC Deb 20 March 1912 vol 35 c1861

asked the First Lord of the Admiralty whether he is aware that some time ago piece-work and the bonus system were in operation in connection with the works at East Cliff, Dover, and that on representations being made by a union of the workmen they were abolished; whether he is aware that the systems have been put into operation again, one result being that several men have been discharged; and whether he will take steps to abolish altogether both piece-work and the bonus system in connection with these works?

Mr. GEORGE LAMBERT (Civil Lord of the Admiralty)

The premium bonus system was suspended at the Admiralty Works at Dover, in common with all home naval establishments, on the 20th February last, and has not been revived. Piece-work has not been abolished, and no discharges of men have taken place at Dover in consequence of its continuance.