HC Deb 19 March 1912 vol 35 cc1706-7

asked the Secretary for Scotland whether his attention has been called to a decision of the Association of Landlords and Factors in Cambuslang, in connection with the adoption in that town of the House Letting Act, to increase the gross rentals of all houses affected by the Bill by 25 per cent.; and whether he proposes to hold an inquiry into this increase, which is in excess of the amount which will be payable under the Act by the landlords?


also asked the Secretary for Scotland whether he has any information to show the increase in rents in each of the burghs in Scotland affected by the House Letting and Eating (Scot land) Act, as proposed by various associations of house factors and landlords; and whether, in view of the dissatisfaction aroused in many such burghs by the in creases proposed, he proposes to hold an inquiry into the matter?

The SECRETARY for SCOTLAND (Mr. McKinnon Wood)

My attention has been called to the case of Cambuslang, and I am informed that there are also some other places in which the landlord and house factors are seeking to increase rents. Where that increase only covers rates which will be paid by the landlord instead of by the tenant, it appears to be justifiable, but if it exceeds that amount, I do not see any justification for it, and I understand that such claims are being met in some places by forming a Tenants Protection Association. It is one thing to ask higher rents and another thing to induce tenants to pay them.


Is the right hon. Gentleman not aware that this result was predicted from his own benches over and over again, when the compounding Clause was introduced into the Bill. Will he consider the propriety of repealing that Clause?


I know the result was predicted, but I am not at all sure that the prediction has been fulfilled.


It has been.