HC Deb 12 March 1912 vol 35 cc946-7

asked the Under-Secretary of State for War (1) whether he will have paragraph 165, Section 26, of the Musketry Regulations altered, as in this paragraph it is twice stated that the extent of the dangerous space depends upon the flatness of the trajectory; and (2) whether, in view of the value of high trajectory, he will take steps to have paragraph 184, chap. 3, Musketry Regulations, 1909, altered, as it states that in spite of the fact that at longer ranges the depth of the beaten zone is diminished fire is less effective than at short distances owing to the greater curve of the trajectory?

Colonel SEELY

The replies to those questions are in the negative.


Will the right hon. Gentleman have a qualifying statement introduced into these regulations in accordance with his speech last Monday, saying that if the range is known the danger space does not depend on the flatness of the trajectory?

Colonel SEELY

No; there is nothing whatever to qualify.


Which is right, the regulations or the right hon. Gentleman himself?

Colonel SEELY

They are both right.