HC Deb 06 March 1912 vol 35 cc353-4

Resolutions reported from the Select Committee—

1. "That, in the case of the Dublin and South Eastern Railway (New Works), Petition for Bill, the Standing Orders ought to be dispensed with:—That the

1. Number of Deaths from Small-pox at each of the following ages, the Death Rate per million births or per million living, and proportion per cent. of Deaths at these ages to total at all ages from that disease:—
Years. Under One Year. One and under Two. Two and under Five. Five and under Ten. Ten and all Higher Ages.
Number of Deaths. Deaths per Million Births. Percentage of Total Deaths at all Ages. Number of Deaths. Deaths per Million living. Percentage of Total Deaths at all Ages. Number of Deaths. Deaths per Million living. Percentage of Total Deaths at all Ages. Number of Deaths. Deaths per Million living. Percentage of Total Deaths at all Ages. Number of Deaths. Deaths per Million living. Percentage of Total Deaths at all Ages
1887 to 1910

parties be permitted to proceed with their Bill."

2 "That, in the case of the National Electric Construction Company, Petition for Bill, the Standing Orders ought to be dispensed with:—That the parties be permitted to proceed with their Bill, on the condition that copies of the agreements proposed to be confirmed by the Bill be sent to the Companies supplying gas within the area of supply affected by such agreements, and that the Promoters shall not object to the locus standi of such Companies against the Bill:—That the Committee on the Bill do report how far such Order has been complied with."

3 "That, in the case of the Saint Pancras Borough Council (Superannuation), Petition for leave to deposit Petition for Bill, the Standing Orders ought to be dispensed withion:—That the parties be permitted to deposit their Petition for a Bill."

Resolutions agreed to.