§ Mr. O'GRADYMay I ask the Prime Minister whether he is able to give to the House the result of the inquiries of the Parliamentary Secretary to the Treasury with regard to the Motion on the Order Paper of yesterday respecting the transport dispute in London?
§ The PRIME MINISTERI am afraid I cannot give a definite answer yet. The inquiries are still being prosecuted. I am bound to say we have received, not only nothing in the nature of opposition, but a great deal of sympathy in this matter from hon. Gentlemen opposite. But I should not like to make a definite statement to-day. A great deal depends on the attitude of the employers, and I cannot help personally expressing the hope that the employers may see their way to agree to such a meeting.
§ Mr. ROWLANDSWill the Prime Minister have conveyed to the employers on the Thames an intimation of the desire which he has just expressed?
§ The PRIME MINISTERI have stated it in terms which may reach them.