HC Deb 19 June 1912 vol 39 c1650

asked the Secretary to the Treasury whether the National Health Insurance Commissioners have refused to allow the Prudential Assurance Company to collect employés' contributions under the Act; and whether, in view of the increasing determination of employers to refuse to handle these contributions, he will take steps to allow the Commissioners to approve of approved friendly societies relieving employers of this burden?


Any system of stamping cards which involves a separation between the act of payment of wages on the one hand and the payment of a contribution on the other would result in great difficulty in working, and in any case no system of stamping could be allowed which might lead to a contravention of the principle of the Act that an insured person should have the right of joining any approved society without disclosing its name to his employer. I am not aware of any determination of any employers to refuse to handle these contributions, and all the information available to the Commissioners shows that employers are making all the necessary preparations to comply with the requirements of the Act.