HC Deb 17 June 1912 vol 39 c1292
13. Mr. PETO

asked the First Lord of the Admiralty whether he has been able to make or proposes to make arrangements to equip naval shore wireless stations with additional receivers to enable them to take in messages from merchant ships in distress, particularly when these naval shore stations are situated in isolated positions, and in the neighbourhood of dangerous coasts?


The matter has been considered, but, apart from the question of expense and other questions involved, it is not thought to be necessary to adopt the course suggested by the hon. Member. The work of receiving commercial signals appears to be essentially for commercial stations, of which there are already a large number in existence, practically covering the same areas as the naval shore stations. Other commercial stations are in course of erection or under consideration. Further, as stated by the First Lord in reply to the hon. Member on the 19th March last, whenever a sufficient number of men-of-war are in company, a look-out is kept by one of them on a commercial wave length.