HC Deb 04 June 1912 vol 39 c8
4. Mr. KING

asked what has been the course of the latest negotiations with the Russian Government in Miss Malecka's case?


Miss Malecka is petitioning the Emperor of Russia in regard to the sentence. I have had further communication on the subject since the House rose, and am in a position to say that the Russian Government have the case under consideration, and do not think it altogether impossible for the petition to be considered favourably. The Consul and Vice-Consul have been admitted by the Russian authorities to see Miss Malecka unofficially. Her health and other conditions are satisfactory, and as the sentence will not be carried into effect pending consideration of the petition, I thought it very desirable to suspend laying the Papers that I promised, and in view of this statement I would ask the House for the present to let me do this.


Can the right hon. Gentleman give any indication when the reply may be expected?


I do not know. The petition is now under consideration. I assume it will not take a very long time, but I do not suppose I shall be in a position to give further definite information before next week.