HC Deb 31 July 1912 vol 41 cc2033-4
35 and 36. Sir GILBERT PARKER

asked the President of the Board of Trade (35) whether the statements contained in the annual report of Dr. Herbert Williams, medical officer of health for the Port of London, that, owing to the nature of the accommodation provided on merchant ships, the conditions are such as to predispose the dissemination of pulmonary tuberculosis; whether, as stated by Dr. Williams, whereas in the case of common lodging-houses occupied day and night an official space of 400 cubic feet per head is prescribed, in the case of seamen seventy-two cubic feet is considered sufficient space; and whether, having regard to Dr. Williams' comments on the accommodation for seamen and the absence of proper hygienic conditions, he intends to take any action; (36) whether out of 2,689 British merchant vessels which during the year 1911 entered the port of Newport (Mon.), and which were inspected by the port sanitary inspector, no fewer than 453 were discovered with sanitary defects in respect to accommodation and space provided for officers and crews; and whether he is proposing to take any steps in protecting those engaged in the mercantile marine in the way of ensuring their being enabled to carry on their work under proper hygienic conditions?

The PRESIDENT Of the BOARD of TRADE (Mr. Buxton)

I answered this question and the following question yesterday in conjunction with other questions on the same subject, as I understood that by an inadvertence the hon. Member's questions had not been starred. I am sending the hon. Member a copy of the answers.