HC Deb 30 July 1912 vol 41 cc1845-6

asked whether the right hon. Gentleman's attention has been called to the Annual Report of the Medical Officer of Health for the Market Bosworth Rural District Council; whether, according to such Report, out of 558 dwelling-houses inspected in that area in the year 1911 defects were found in 355, and five closing orders were made, ten dwelling-houses closed, and three demolished, whilst the excess in the number of births over deaths was 373; and what action, in view of these facts and the decision of the rural district council in question not to take action in supplying the housing deficiency in their area, he intends to take in the matter?


My attention has been called to the Annual Report of the Medical Officer of Health for the Market Bosworth Rural District for the year 1911, and I am in communication with the district council on the subject.


Can the right hon. Gentleman say what became of the people who were turned out of the houses which were closed and for whom no accommodation was provided?


That is one of the points upon which I want to get information, which I can only get by communicating with the district council I have referred to.


asked what action is being taken by the rural district council of Bridlington to pro- vide accommodation in their district under the provisions of the Housing Acts, in view of the fact that the sanitary inspector reports that eighty-six cottages are too antiquated and worn out to be serviceable, whilst he reports that thirty-five further dwellings are such as cannot without danger be occupied any longer, and they should be properly vacated before another winter season; and whether, under these circumstances, the President will inquire into the case, and take action if the rural district council has not yet taken steps to remedy the deficiency?


In connection with the previous reports of the medical officer of health of the district I addressed communications to the rural district council as to the need for the provision of houses under Part III. of the Housing of the Working Classes Act, 1890. The further consideration of the question was reserved pending a survey of the district by the local sanitary inspector. That survey has recently been completed, and the report of the inspector, from which the figures mentioned in the question are taken, is under the consideration of the council. A copy of the report was sent to me a few days ago, and the matter is engaging the further attention of my housing department.